
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences


Western Anatolia is known as one of the most seismically active regions in the world, consistent with earthquakes having a magnitude >6.0. The deformation in the region is predominantly controlled by normal faults, which play significant role on the morphological features as well as depositional processes in related grabens. WNW-trending Kütahya Graben is located at the northeastern part of this province and bounded by several N- and S-dipping active normal fault segments. This study aims to investigate the relative tectonic activity among the fault segments of the Kütahya Graben using geomorphic indices. The analyses of this study include mountain-front sinuosity (Smf: 1.06-1.92), triangular facets (Lf/Ls: 0.11-0.94), valley floor width-to valley height ratio (Vf: 0.19-2.83), hypsometric curve and integral (HI: 0.34-0.48), asymmetry factor, stream length-gradient, and relative tectonic activity indexes. These indices suggest relatively higher uplift rates (>0.5 mm/yr) and tectonic activity for the southern margin of the graben where Kütahya city center is located. Thus, southern segments of the Kütahya Graben need further attention in terms of regional seismic hazard.




Tectonic geomorphology, morphometry, seismic activity, Kütahya Graben, Western Anatolia

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