Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences
Microprobe studies have facilitated recognition of the first documented occurrence of geocronite from Işık Dağı (Ankara, Turkey). While yenerite remains a discredited species along the PbS-Sb2S3 compositional join, our analyses show significant arsenic as did the original analyses for yenerite; thus, this name might be retained for arsenic-bearing varieties of boulangerite.
Pb-Sb sulphosalts, boulangerite, geocronite, yenerite, plagionite, microprobe, slag
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SHARP, W. E.; WIELAND, MARK; and MITTWEDE, STEVEN K. (2007) "A Mineralogical Note on Boulangerite, Geocronite and Yenerite From Near Işık Dağı (Kızılcahamam-Ankara), Turkey," Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences: Vol. 16: No. 1, Article 7. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/earth/vol16/iss1/7