
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences




Carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn deposits are common in the Yahyalı region (Taurus Belt) with galena the most abundant sulfide mineral. The mean d34S values for Göynük, Celaldağı Desandre, Demircilik, Tekke, Havadan and Suçatı deposits were +0.2±0.5, +9.3±0.8, +10.7±1.3, +10.8±1.3, +11.5±2.4, -4.2±0.4%o, respectively. The mean 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb measurements for the studied deposits were 18.968±0.005, 15.741±0.005 and 39.074±0.016 for Göynük, 18.702±0.006, 15.715±0.006 and 38.883±0.021 for Celaldağı Desandre, 18.618±0.020, 15.727±0.008 and 38.852±0.032 for Demircilik, 18.808±0.017, 15.751±0.028 and 38.983±0.166 for Suçatı. The sulfur isotope systematics imply that sulfur originated from a mixture of different sources for the Göynük and Suçatı deposits, but was probably derived from seawater for the others. The distribution of lead isotopic ratios had a well-defined cluster for each deposit, but no linear trend defining enrichment in radiogenic lead.


sulfur isotopes, lead isotopes, carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn deposits, Turkey

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