Turkish Journal of Chemistry
Bengazole A and bengazole B are 2 representatives out of a large family of marine metabolites isolated from a Jaspis sponge and display potent anti-fungal and anthelmintic activity as well as modest cytotoxic activity. This paper reports a short and efficient synthesis and microbiological evaluation of some new bengazole analogues.
Bengazole, lithiation, antimicrobial activity, cytotoxicity
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KRAUSS, JURGEN; KALKBRENNER, SANDRA; SCHUSTER, ANGELA; OBAINOKE, ANNE; and BRACHER, FRANZ (2008) "Synthesis of New Bengazole Analogues and Their Antimicrobial Activity," Turkish Journal of Chemistry: Vol. 32: No. 1, Article 12. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/chem/vol32/iss1/12