Turkish Journal of Chemistry
An electrolytic Copper Solution (ECS) was electrolyzed using platinum electrodes. Copper was obtained in solid form. In order to precipitate Cd(II), Bi(III), As(III), Sb(III) and the rest of the Cu(II) ions, H_2S gas was passed through the remaining solution. The remaining solution was evaporated to obtain metal sulphates. The sample containing metal sulphates was roasted at temperatures between 550 and 800°C. Cobalt, nickel and zinc in the solid sample remained in the form of metal sulphates, while the iron in the sample was converted into Fe_2O_3. This solid sample was dissolved in water and filtered in order to crystallize the NiSO_4. As a result of crystallization, a maximum yield of 86.2% was obtained. The solid containing metal sulphides (CuS, CdS, Bi_2S_3 and Sb_2S_3) was roasted at 600°C for 3 hours. The roasted sample was dissolved in water and filtered. It was determined that the conversion of CuS into CuSO_4 occurred, together with the conversion of CdS and Bi_2S_3 into CdO and Bi_2O_3. The samples containing CdO and Bi_2O_3 were then leached with 0.5 M H_2SO_4 solution at 50°C for one hour. The extraction yield was 97%.
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AYDIN, Fırat; YAVUZ, Ömer; ZİYADANOĞULLARI, Berrin; and ZİYADANOĞULLARI, Recep (1998) "Recovery of Copper, Cobalt, Nickel, Cadmium, Zinc and Bismuth from Electrolytic Copper Solution," Turkish Journal of Chemistry: Vol. 22: No. 2, Article 9. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/chem/vol22/iss2/9