Turkish Journal of Biology
Antiviral Activity of Water Extract of Sanicula europaea L. Leaves on the Bacteria-Bacteriophage System
The effect of water soluble extract of Sanicula europaea L. leaves and two fractions separated from this extract through Sephadex gel filtration chromatography were tested on bacteriophage T2hr+ replication. The plant extract inhibited the adsorption and/or penetration of phage infection without any toxic effect on Escherichia coli B2 host bacteria. The heavy molecular weight fraction eluted first from the gel filtration column was found to be responsible for this inhibition.
Sanicula europaea L., Antiviral, Bacteriophage
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TURAN, Kadir and KURU, Avni (1996) "Antiviral Activity of Water Extract of Sanicula europaea L. Leaves on the Bacteria-Bacteriophage System," Turkish Journal of Biology: Vol. 20: No. 3, Article 6. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/biology/vol20/iss3/6