
Turkish Journal of Physics

Author ORCID Identifier

AHMET NURİ AKAY: 0009-0000-2102-3701

BURAK DAĞLI: 0000-0002-1048-5772

BORA KETENOĞLU: 0000-0003-0910-0473

ARİF ÖZTÜRK: 0009-0001-6640-6201

SALEH SULTANSOY: 0000-0003-2340-748X




Construction of the ERLC (twin LC) collider tangential to LHC will allow investigating ep collisions at essentially higher center-of-mass energies than ERL-50 and LHC based ep collider. Luminosity estimations show that values well exceeding 1034 cm−2s−1 can be achieved for ERLC and HL-LHC based ep colliders. Certainly, proposed ep colliders have great potential for clarifying QCD basics and new physics search in addition to providing precise PDFs for adequate interpretation of the LHC experimental data. Another alternative to the ERL-50 is to construct an e-ring with the same energy and length. In this case, luminosity of order 1034cm−2s−1 can be reached. The advantage of this option is that the μ-ring can be installed instead of the e-ring as a next stage, which will allow it to reach a much higher center of mass energy.


energy frontier ep colliders, e-ring, ERLC, LHC, LHeC, luminosity

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