Turkish Journal of Physics
InBi_0.85Sb_0.15 single crystals have been grown by zone-melting method. The growth velocity was 0.8 cm/h and the freezing interface temperature was 35 °C/cm. A Vickers' projection microscope was used for the study of micro hardness of the crystals. Hardness tests were carried out on the as-cleaved, cold-worked and annealed surfaces of the crystals. The effect of perfection of crystals on micro hardness with respect to the cold-worked, as-cleaved and annealed crystals have been studied and the results are reported.
Vickers' micro hardness, Cold-worked crystals, Annealed crystals, Zone-melting method
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SHAH, DIMPLE; PANDYA, G. R.; VYAS, S. M.; and JANI, M. P. (2007) "Study of Vickers´ Micro Hardness on InBi_0.85Sb_0.15 Single Crystals," Turkish Journal of Physics: Vol. 31: No. 4, Article 8. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/physics/vol31/iss4/8