Turkish Journal of Physics
Selected coastal areas of Pakistan (Karachi, Ormara, Jivani and Pasni) were studied for the possibility of wind energy generation, using available meteorological data. Wind speed pattern, Extractable Wind power, Wind Energy and associated Weibull parameter for these coastal areas have been examined. The analysis also includes seasonal changes in wind speed values. The power output using fast and slow wind machines using different blade diameters have been estimated to explore the possible use for irrigation deep well pumping and small scale power generation. Along with this, 4 KW and 20 KW aero generators were also examined. It was found that, considering maximum location wind speed, Pasni is the best location; and Jivani is the next best location with stable wind throughout the year. The other two locations were found to have similar same properties.
Assessment, Coastal areas, Wind power potential, Weibull Distribution.
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AHMED, M. AKHLAQUE; AHMED, FIROZ; and AKHTAR, M. WASIM (2006) "Assessment of Wind Power Potential for Coastal Areas of Pakistan," Turkish Journal of Physics: Vol. 30: No. 2, Article 8. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/physics/vol30/iss2/8