Turkish Journal of Physics
By using standard and comparison star observations carried out at different times of the year, at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Observatory, we obtained the atmospheric extinction coefficients at the observatory. We also obtained transformation coefficients and zero-point constants for the transformation to the standard Johnson UBV system, of observations in the local system carried out with the SSP5A photometer and T40 telescope. The transmission curves and the mean wavelengths of the UBV filters as measured in the laboratory appear not much different from those of the standard Johnson system and found inside the transmission curve of the standard mean atmosphere.
techniques: photometric-stars: photometric-standards.
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BAKIŞ, HİCRAN; BAKIŞ, VOLKAN; DEMİRCAN, OSMAN; and BUDDING, EDWIN (2005) "Standard UBV Observations at the Çanakkale University Observatory (ÇUO)," Turkish Journal of Physics: Vol. 29: No. 4, Article 3. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/physics/vol29/iss4/3