Turkish Journal of Physics
The pseudorapidity distributions of shower particles in interactions of 4.5 A GeV/c ^{12}C, ^{16}O, ^{28}Si and ^{22}Ne at 4.1 A GeV/c with emulsion have been presented. The dependence of these distributions on the target nuclei (AgBr and CNO) have been investigated. The energy density for ^{24}Mg--Pb interactions is calculated using the Bjorken model.
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FAKHRADDIN, SAKINA (2005) "Study of Pseudorapidity Distributions of Shower Particles Emitted in Interactions of Nuclei with Emulsion at 4.1- 4.5 A GeV/c," Turkish Journal of Physics: Vol. 29: No. 2, Article 2. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/physics/vol29/iss2/2