Turkish Journal of Physics
The energy eigenvalues of the anharmonic oscillator characterized by the cubic potential for various eigenstates are determined within the framework of the hypervirial-Padé summation method. For this purpose the E[3, 3] and E[3, 4] Padé approximants are formed to the energy perturbation series and given the energy eigenvalues up to fourth order in terms of the anharmonicity parameter \lambda.
Anharmonic oscillator, Schrodinger equation, hypervirial theorems, Padé summation method.
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ARDA, ALTUĞ (2004) "The Hypervirial-Padé Summation Method Applied to the Anharmonic Oscillator," Turkish Journal of Physics: Vol. 28: No. 4, Article 2. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/physics/vol28/iss4/2