Turkish Journal of Physics
Using ground-based neutron monitor data of Deep River, the high amplitude anisotropic wave train events (HAE) in cosmic ray intensity have been investigated during the period 1991--1994. It has been observed that the phase of diurnal anisotropy for majority of HAE cases remains in the same co-rotational direction, whereas for some HAE cases the phase of diurnal anisotropy has shifted to later hours. For the majority of HAE cases the amplitude of semi-diurnal anisotropy remains statistically the same, whereas the phase of semi-diurnal anisotropy for all HAE cases has shifted to later hours. Furthermore, for tri-diurnal anisotropy the phase shifts towards later hours while amplitude remains statistically the same.
Cosmic ray, diurnal, semi-diurnal, and anisotropy
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MISHRA, RAJESH K. and MISHRA, REKHA AGARWAL (2004) "Large Amplitude Wave Trains in Cosmic Ray Intensity," Turkish Journal of Physics: Vol. 28: No. 2, Article 5. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/physics/vol28/iss2/5