Turkish Journal of Physics
The Born scattering amplitude of a non-relativistic spin one-half particle in an Aharonov-Bohm potential is calculated up to second order. It is demonstrated that perturbation theory works well for this model, in contrast with the case of scalar particles, thanks to the spin-magnetic moment interaction term. The first order amplitude is shown to coincide with the exact amplitude when expanded to the same order; the second order amplitude is finite and null. The polarized scattering cross section is found to be different from the unpolarized one only if the incident particle has a spin component perpendicular to the flux tube.
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ROMIA, YOUSEF and SHIKAKHWA, MOHAMMAD (2004) "The Born Scattering Amplitude of a Non-relativistic Spin One-half particle in an Aharonov-Bohm Potentia," Turkish Journal of Physics: Vol. 28: No. 2, Article 1. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/physics/vol28/iss2/1