Turkish Journal of Physics
A tunnel barrier in a degenerate electron gas was recently discovered as a source of entangled electron-hole pairs. Here, we investigate the loss of entanglement by dephasing. We calculate both the maximal violation E_{max} of the Bell inequality and the degree of entanglement (concurrence) C. If the initially maximally entangled electron-hole pair is in a Bell state, then the Bell inequality is violated for arbitrary strong dephasing. The same relation E_{max} = 2 \sqrt{1 + C^2} then holds as in the absence of dephasing. More generally, for a maximally entangled superposition of Bell states, the Bell inequality is satisfied for a finite dephasing strength and the entanglement vanishes for somewhat stronger (but still finite) dephasing strength. There is then no one-to-one relation between E_{max} and C.
Entanglement, Bell inequality, Nonlocality, Decoherence
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VELSEN, J. L. VAN; KINDERMANN, M.; and BEENAKKER, C. W. J. (2003) "Dephasing of Entangled Electron-Hole Pairs in a Degenerate Electron Gas," Turkish Journal of Physics: Vol. 27: No. 5, Article 3. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/physics/vol27/iss5/3