Turkish Journal of Physics
This paper presents results of an EPR spectrum investigation of \gamma-irradiated (Co^{60} dose 10^{7} Rad) glasses Se, SeCl_{x}, Se_{0.95}As_{0.05}Cl_{x} and Se_{0.95}As_{0.05}Br_{x} (x=0.001--0.1) at 77 K. An analysis of spectra reveals that two types of paramagnetic radiation-induced defects arise (broken bonds localized on Se and As atoms) from the irradiation of such chalcogenide glasses.
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MEKHTIEVA, IBRAHIMGIZI SALIMA; IBRAGIMOV, IBRAHIMOGLI NAMIG; ISAEV, ISAOGLI ABASAT; ZEINALOV, ZEINALOGLI VASIF; and MAMEDOV, ARIFOGLI ELDAR (2002) "Paramagnetic Defects in \gamma-Irradiated, Pure and Doped (with As, Cl and Br) Selenium," Turkish Journal of Physics: Vol. 26: No. 6, Article 5. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/physics/vol26/iss6/5