Turkish Journal of Physics
A Bi_{1.6}Pb_{0.4}Sr_{2}Ca_{3}Cu_{4}O_{12} compound was produced by melt-casting method. The microstructure of the sample was studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy. Phase analysis was carried out by X-ray diffraction patterns and EDAX. The electrical resistance exhibites the existance of a superconducting phase with an onset temperature T_{c} at 110 K along with a minor phase with an onset T_{c} at 80 K. It has been found that the superconducting phase temperature T_{c} increases with increasing sintering temperature.
H-Tc Superconductivity, BSCCO, Critical Current
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COŞKUN, ATİLLA; ÖZÇELİK, BEKİR; and KIYMAÇ, KERİM (2001) "Physical Properties of Melt-Cast Annealed Bi_{1.6}Pb_{0.4}Sr_{2}Ca_{3}Cu_{4} O_{12} Compound," Turkish Journal of Physics: Vol. 25: No. 5, Article 12. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/physics/vol25/iss5/12