Turkish Journal of Physics
In this study, we have developed a general theoretical model, based upon the simple mean field model of N\'{e}el, for the non-linear response of an antiferromagnetic system. The results indicate that the odd order derivatives, (d^{2n + 1}m_{a})_{0} = (-d^{2n + 1}m_{b})_{0}, where n=1,2,3......, will diverge and the even order derivatives, (d^{2n}m_{a})_{0} = (d^{2n}m_{b})_{0} will vanish due to the symmetry of two sublattices, ``a'' and ``b'', forming the antiferromagnet. This model also supports our experimental results performed on two antiferromagnetic samples, namely, Cs_{2}MnCl_{4}.2H_{2}O and MnCl_{2}.4H_{2}O [1].
Antiferromagnetism, AC -- Susceptibility
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ÖZÇELİK, BEKİR; KIYMAÇ, KERİM; and EKİCİBİL, AHMET (2001) "A Theoretical Model for the Non-linear Susceptibility of the Antiferromagnetic Systems," Turkish Journal of Physics: Vol. 25: No. 4, Article 3. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/physics/vol25/iss4/3