Turkish Journal of Physics
In this paper, main parameters for linac-ring type collider designed for producing $\phi $ particles copiously are estimated and the potential of this machine in particle physics research is investigated. Moreover, parameters for free electron laser and synchrotron radiation obtained from electron linac and positron ring, respectively, are determined and applications of these radiations are summarized.
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ÇİFTÇİ, A. KENAN; GÜRKAN, OSMAN; OLGAR, TURAN; RECEPOĞLU, ERDAL; SULTANSOY, SALEH; YAVAŞ, ÖMER; and YILMAZ, METİN (2000) "Linac-Ring Type \phi Factory of Basic and Applied Research," Turkish Journal of Physics: Vol. 24: No. 6, Article 8. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/physics/vol24/iss6/8