Turkish Journal of Physics
A glancing incidence EXAFS experiment has been carried out with evaporated silver films on glass substrates. Prior to EXAFS data collection, a reflectivity curve was performed from which the critical angle for total external reflection of x-rays from surface were determined. The analysed EXAFS data revealed that there is a reduction in the coordination number and an increase in Debye-Waller factor compared to bulk values. These changes were explained in terms of grain size effect and the surface effects of the silver film.
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BULUT, AHMET; KARABULUT, BÜNYAMİN; BAŞARAN, ENGİN; and ROBINSON, JAMES (2000) "A Glancing Incidence Exafs Study of Evaporated Silver Films on Glass," Turkish Journal of Physics: Vol. 24: No. 4, Article 6. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/physics/vol24/iss4/6