Turkish Journal of Physics
Among various soft magnetic materials, ferromagnetic glasses are superior to their crystalline counterparts as they possess no magnetocrystalline anisotropy owing to a non-crystalline structure. However, ferromagnetic glasses carry residual stresses and thus anisotropies of magnetostrictive origin in the as-quenched state. These stresses have an adverse effect on the magnetic softness and should be relieved in order to improve magnetic performance, particularly in magnetostrictive alloys. In the present work, the domain structures of Fe$_{78}$B$_{13}$Si$_9$ metallic glass, a highly magnetostrictive alloy, are characterized in the as-quenched and annealed states. The annealing treatments were carried out over a wide temperature range extending from the stress relaxation to the crystallization regimes. The sources of magnetoelastic anisotropies were identified with a consideration of the domain patterns observed at different annealing temperatures. Keywords: Ferromagnetic glasses, Magnetic domains, Bitter technique.
Ferromagnetic glasses, Magnetic domains, Bitter technique.
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BİROL, Yücel (1998) "Magnetic Domain Structures in As-Quenched and Annealed Fe_{78}B_{13}Si_9 Metallic Glass Ribbons," Turkish Journal of Physics: Vol. 22: No. 6, Article 5. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/physics/vol22/iss6/5