Turkish Journal of Physics
The angular distribution of the elastic scattering differential cross section of 344.5 MeV $^{12}$C ions from $^{11}$B nucleus is calculated and compared with the experimental data as well as the previously published calculations. The real part of the central optical potential is derived using the double-folding and single-folding procedures assuming Gaussian forms of the nucleon-nucleon and alpha-nucleon interactions, respectively. A nuclear matter density distribution function of $^{11}$B consisting of a spherical part plus a quadrupole term is used. The inclusion of the quadrupole term is found necessary to obtain good fits to the experimental data.
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KHALLAF, S.A.E.; ABDEL-RAHMAN, M.A.; ABDEL-RAHMAN, S.K.; and MAHMOUD, S.W.Z. (1998) "Elastic Scattering of 344.5 MeV ^{12}C Ions From ^{11}B Nucleus," Turkish Journal of Physics: Vol. 22: No. 3, Article 5. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/physics/vol22/iss3/5