Turkish Journal of Physics
In this paper deformation methods are offered to investigate deep level parameters in semiconductors. It is based on strain parameters measurements of compensated and overcompensated semiconductors. The dynamic changes of current flow in compensated and overcompensated samples of $p$-type $Si: Ni$ and $n$-type $Si: Mn$ under uniform pulse hydrostatic compression (UHC) was investigated. It was observed that in $p$-type $Si: Ni$ samples ionization energy levels $Ni$ at UHC increases, on the contrary in samples $n$-type $Si: Mn$ it decreases. The ionization energy and baric coefficient of the shift of $Ni$ and $Mn$ levels were bounded.
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ZAINABIDINOV, S. Z.; ABDURAIMOV, A.; MAMATKARIMOV, O. O.; TURSUNOV, I.G.; and KHAMIDOV, R.Kh. (1998) "Deformation Methods for Investigation of the Deep Level Parameters in Semiconductors," Turkish Journal of Physics: Vol. 22: No. 3, Article 1. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/physics/vol22/iss3/1