Turkish Journal of Physics
The emission spectrum of the cobalt monochloride molecule has been excited in a high frequency discharge tube source and the (0,0) band of H-system at 4702 \AA was photo-graphed at an inverse dispersion of 0.973 \AA/mm in the 5th order of a two meter plane grating spectrograph (Carl-Zeiss). The fine structure analysis of the band has been carried out and the molecular constants are reported for the first time. Rotational isotopic shift due to $^{37}$Cl support the analysis. The electronic transition involved is of the type $0^-$----- $0^-$ of case (c) which is equivalent of $^{3}\sum^{+}$-----$^{3}\sum^+$ or $^5\sum^+$-----$^5\sum^+$.
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SURESHKUMAR, M.B. and SRIKANT, S.R. (1998) "Fine Structure Analysis of 4702 ^oA Band of the Molecule," Turkish Journal of Physics: Vol. 22: No. 1, Article 3. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/physics/vol22/iss1/3