Turkish Journal of Physics
Magnetically Dilute Systems
An attempt has been made to provide a common sense for the discussion of the magnetic properties of magnetically dilute systems [1]. In this prenset study, various dilute ferromagnetic Ising models have been treated in the Cluster-Variation formalism [2]. It has been shown that a Curie temperature does not appear until a finite concentration of magnetic atoms is obtained. The phase diagrams of dilute ferromagnetic systems have been obtained depends on concentration and the reduced temperature [3].
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KARABEKİROĞULLARI, Metin and EKMEKÇİ, Servet (1997) "Magnetically Dilute Systems," Turkish Journal of Physics: Vol. 21: No. 1, Article 31. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/physics/vol21/iss1/31