Turkish Journal of Physics
Asymptotic Solution of Cloud Formation in Expansion Chambers
Asymptotic solution of homogeneous condensation in expansion cloud chambers in different droplet growth regimes is presented. In particular an exactly solvable droplet growth model with growth rates ranging between the Hertz-Knudsen and continuum droplet growth laws is introduced. The distinct condensation zones in each droplet growth regime are identified by the asymptotic solution of the condensation rate equation and the results are compared with those of direct numerical simulations using the classical nucleation theory. Excellent qualitative agreement is reached despite some minor quantitative differences in some of the condensation zones arising from the nature of the asymptotic solution in these zones.
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DELALE, Can F.; MUITJENS, M.J.E.H.; and DONGEN, M.E.H. van (1997) "Asymptotic Solution of Cloud Formation in Expansion Chambers," Turkish Journal of Physics: Vol. 21: No. 1, Article 14. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/physics/vol21/iss1/14