Turkish Journal of Physics
Coulomb Break-Up of Fast Light Ions with Taking Into Account Three Body Coulomb Effects
The break-up of light ions into two particles in the Coulomb field of heavy targets is considered. In the initial and the final states a three body Coulomb interaction is taken into account. The asymptotic theory for Coulomb break-up is developed on the basis of the eikonal approximation.
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IRGAZIEV, B.F.; MUMINOV, A.T.; MUKHAMEDZHANOV, A.M.; and ALT, E.O. (1996) "Coulomb Break-Up of Fast Light Ions with Taking Into Account Three Body Coulomb Effects," Turkish Journal of Physics: Vol. 20: No. 2, Article 2. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/physics/vol20/iss2/2