
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences


Background/aimHodgkin Lymphoma (HL) is highly treatable, but new chemotherapy agents are needed for patients with progression or recurrence. CD47 regulates anti-phagocytic activity by signaling through the SIRPα (signal regulatory protein alpha) pathway on macrophages. This study aims to assess the expression of CD47 in HL cases and explore its relationship with Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) status and the International Prognostic Index (IPI).Materials and Methods120 patients diagnosed with Classical HL, characterized by the presence of Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg (HRS) cells, for whom IPI scores were available. Demographic data and EBV status were retrieved from hospital records. CD47 immunohistochemical expression in HRS cells was evaluated based on its prevalence and intensity. The product of these two values was used to calculate the CD47 expression score.ResultsOf the 120 cases, 76 (63.33%) were male and 44 (36.66%) were female, with an average age of 38.77 years. EBV ISH test results were available for 93 cases, of which 48 (51.61%) were positive. CD47 expression was 67% on average, and cases were categorized based on CD47 expression scores of ≤6 and >6 and IPI scores of ≤2 and >2. No significant relationship was found between CD47 expression score and age(p:0,990), gender(p: 0.086), EBV status(p: 0.374), or IPI score(p: 0.805). However, higher IPI scores were significantly associated with increased EBV positivity (p: 0.041).ConclusionCD47 was widely expressed, but no significant relationship with clinical parameters was observed. Further studies are required to validate its role as a biomarker.

Author ORCID Identifier

AYDAN KILIÇARSLAN: 0000-0002-7981-4458

GÜLNAZ KURT ÇEVİK: 0009-0006-0608-6206

MEHMET DOĞAN: 0000-0001-8806-0400

AYŞEGÜL AKSOY ALTINBOĞA: 0000-0003-1484-7619

FUNDA CERAN: 0000-0003-3173-7614

ŞULE MİNE BAKANAY ÖZTÜRK: 0000-0003-3941-0368

GÜLŞAH EFECİK: 0009-0003-7093-1038




CD47, Classic Hodgkin lymphoma, Ebstain-Barr virus

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