
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences


Background/aim: This in vitro study aimed to evaluate and compare the retentive forces of novel nonmagnetic abutment designs developed as an alternative to conventional magnetic abutments for facial prostheses.Materials and methods: A plexiglass model was constructed and two extraoral implants were placed in these blocks in a parallel position. Nonmagnetic abutments made of titanium were fabricated and screwed onto the implants. The nonmagnetic systems represent a novel design and include two different abutment designs (Type 1 and Type 2) with silicone attachments. Retentive force values for three abutment types: Conventional Magnetic System (CMS), Nonmagnetic abutment Type 1 System (NMS1), and Nonmagnetic abutment Type 2 System (NMS2) were measured at 0th, 120th, 360th, 720th, and 1440th dislodging cycles using a test machine. Given the data's distribution characteristics, non-parametric tests were used for analysis. The Kruskal-Wallis test evaluated significant differences among groups, followed by Dunn's post-hoc test for specific group comparisons. The Friedman test compared the number of dislodging cycles for each group, and the Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted Wilcoxon sign-rank test was used for pairwise comparisons.Results: Both NMS1 and NMS2 groups exhibited significantly higher retentive forces compared to CMS for each of the same dislodging cycles (p<0.01). The NMS1 group showed the highest initial retentive force (9.98±0.89 N), followed by the NMS2 group (9.65±0.35 N), but this difference was not statistically significant. Significant differences in retention force values were observed among the three groups across the dislodging cycles (p<0.001). The lowest retentive force in the last dislodging cycle was observed in the CMS group (3.39±0.04 N). Additionally, the retention forces decreased in all groups with each increasing dislodging cycle.Conclusion: The two newly developed nonmagnetic systems displayed higher retentive forces compared to the magnetic systems and can be considered a viable alternative abutment option for facial prostheses.

Author ORCID Identifier

İREM SOZEN YANİKSÖZEN YANIK: 0000-0002-9420-7787

UFUK ADALİ: 0000-0001-6557-2841

JAMILA YASSINE: 0009-0006-8354-4653


WOLFGANG HANNAK: 0000-0001-5377-0453

BAHADIR ERSU: 0000-0003-2065-8064




facial prostheses, implant, magnetic abutment, magnetic resonance Imaging, Nonmagnetic abutment

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