
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences

Author ORCID Identifier

MAJİD ISMAYILZADE: 0000-0002-6869-1333

BİLSEV INCE', 'İNCE: 0000-0002-1756-4131

PEMBE OLTULU: 0000-0003-3273-671X

ZİKRULLAH BAYCAR: 0000-0003-4208-5201

MÜNÜR KENDİR: 0000-0001-7394-0907

MEHMET DADACI: 0000-0001-6918-1389




Background/ Aim: In the literature, almost all of the propounded nerve conduits for obtaining better nerve recovery were applied as graft materials. In this study, we aimed to define a new nerve conduit model in a flap pattern and evaluate the effect of pedicled vascularized jejunal flap on nerve regeneration after wrapping around a sciatic nerve.Materials and Methods: A total of 90 Wistar albino rats were randomly divided into nine groups each with 10 rats. The first three groups constituted the control groups, whereas groups 4-6 were the jejunum conduit (JC) - applied groups. A mucosa resected JC (MRJC) was performed to groups 7-8. Epineurial neurorrhaphy was performed in groups 1, 4, and 7; repair with nerve graft was obtained in groups 2, 5, and 8; and a 1-cm long nerve defect was created in groups 3, 6, and 9. After 2 months of follow-up, nerve regeneration was assessed by statistical analyses of the sciatic functional index (SFI) and histopathological evaluation.Results: The MRJC groups had significantly better results in terms of SFI (p ≈ 0.005). Statistical differences in axonal degeneration, axonal density, myelination and disorganization were found between all control subgroups and MRJC groups (p≈ 0.022, p≈ 0.001, p≈ 0.001, and p≈ 0.039, respectively).Conclusion: In this study, the feasibility of wrapping around the nerve repair zones of the pedicled autologous flaps designed in a tubular fashion has been observed in a small rat model and must be further validated in larger animals before clinical testing.


autologous conduit flap., Jejunum conduit flap, peripheral nerve regeneration, vascularized conduit

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