
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences




Background/aim: We investigated the diagnostic values and artifact severities of 3D-T1W sequences in the diagnosis of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage. Material and methods: We retrospectively reviewed 3-tesla contrast-material enhanced MR cisternography exams of 22 patients with suspected CSF leakage in 4 years. The presence of the artifacts on 3D-T1W data was evaluated using a 4-point scale (0: none; 1: minimal; 2: moderate; 3: prominent). Agreements between CSF leakage results of the 3D-T1W sequences and consensus decisions were evaluated via kappa values. Artifact scores were analyzed by Fisher's exact test. Results: The most compatible techniques with the consensus diagnoses were fat-saturated 3D-T1W-SPACE and 3D-T1W-VIBE sequences. The most artifact containing the 3D-T1W sequence was 3D-MPRAGE. Conclusions: 3D-SPACE and 3D-VIBE are more successful in evaluating CSF leakages compared to 3D-MPRAGE. 3D-SPACE has lower artifact scores compared to 3D-VIBE and 3D-MPRAGE sequences.


3D-SPACE, 3D-VIBE, cisternography, 3-tesla, cerebrospinal fluid leakage

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