
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences




Background/aim: Obesity is one of the main public health issues in many countries including Turkey. The aim of the study is to test cross-cultural adaptation, reliability, and validity of QOLOD rating scale in the Turkish language. Materials and methods: This methodological study was conducted among the overweight and obesity people between February-March, 2018 in Ankara Atatürk Training and Research Hospital. The data was collected through self-report and face to face interviews. The QOLOD rating scale has 36 items, a 5-point Likert scale (1-5) is used for each question. Results: In the study, of the 180 participants, 101 (56.1%) were female, 79 (43.9%) were male, and the mean age was 43.36 ± 14.28 (minmax 18-87) years. According to the CFA, the Turkish version of QOLOD rating scale shows a multidimensional structure consisting of 34 items. Two items (item 11 and item 35) were excluded from the scale according to the CFA. Cronbach's Alpha value changes between 0.927-0.930. Conclusion: Finding shows that the Turkish version of QOLOD rating scale had sufficient validity and reliability for Turkish population, had strong psychometric characteristics.


Obesity, QOLOD rating scale, QOL, Turkish version

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