
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences




Background/aim: Sleep disturbances may contribute to poor treatment outcomes in opioid-dependent patients. The extent to which the sleep profiles of opioid-dependent patients differ from those of the general Malaysian population is not documented. This study compared opioid-naive subjects and opioid-dependent patients on methadone maintenance therapy (MMT) in terms of their sleep quality. Materials and methods: Participants comprised Malay male opioid-naive subjects (n = 159) and opioid-dependent patients (n = 160) from MMT clinics in Kelantan, Malaysia, between March and October 2013. Sleep quality was evaluated using the translated and validated Malay version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Results: The opioid-dependent patients exhibited higher global PSQI scores [adjusted mean (95% CI) = 5.46 (5.02, 5.90)] than the opioid-naive group [4.71 (4.26, 5.15)] [F (1, 313) = 4.77, P = 0.030]. Conclusion: This study confirmed the poorer sleep quality among opioid-dependent patients on MMT, as manifested by their higher global PSQI scores. The sleep complaints in this patient population are a factor to consider and, when necessary, sleep evaluation and treatment should be undertaken to improve MMT patients' quality of sleep and overall treatment outcome.


Clinical, insomnia, methadone, outcomes, response, subjective, sleep, sleep quality

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