
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences




Background/aim: The aim of this study was to create a database of 3D cephalometric measurements of Turkish Cypriot patients using a 3D rendering software program. Materials and methods: The study population comprised 121 subjects who had undergone cone beam CT imaging (CBCT). Invivo 5.1 software was used to generate cephalograms from the CBCT dataset that were then linked to the 3D hard-tissue surface representations. In total, 38 angular and 28 linear widely used measurements were recorded. Results: The results demonstrated that males had significantly larger mean values than females for all linear measurements, except for dentoalveolar parameters (P < 0.05). Additionally, significant differences were found in most of the mandibular anteroposterior and vertical measurements, especially SNB, GoGn/SN, FMA, and MP/SN, between the sexes (P < 0.05). Conclusion: This is the first population-based study to focus solely on Turkish Cypriots' craniofacial anatomy and orthodontic characteristics. The present findings will produce 3D cephalometric normative data for the Cypriot population and will be valuable for oral and maxillofacial surgeons and orthodontists in Cyprus, the UK, Australia, Turkey, and other European countries who treat a large number of Turkish Cypriot patients.


Three-dimensional cephalometrics, three-dimensional diagnosis and treatment planning, ethnic norms

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