
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences


Background/aim: To investigate the efficiency of Capparis ovata as a protective agent against acute paracetamol toxicity of the liver. Materials and methods: A total of 36 Wistar albino rats were divided into 4 groups: 1) paracetamol, 2) Capparis ovata + paracetamol, 3) Capparis ovata, and 4) control. Groups 2 and 3 were given Capparis ovata and Groups 1 and 4 distilled water for 8 days. On day 8, 3000 mg kg-1 paracetamol was administered orally to Groups 1 and 2. Samples were taken on day 9. AST, ALT, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, GGT, and ALP levels were assessed. Lipid peroxidation markers and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance (TBARS) levels were measured in the blood and liver. Liver tissues were evaluated histologically. Results: AST, ALT, and total bilirubin levels were lower in Group 2 than in Group 1 (P < 0.05). TBARS levels were lower in Groups 2 (P = 0.000), 3 (P = 0.001), and 4 (P = 0.001) than in Group 1. Degenerative findings were lower in the Capparis ovata + paracetamol group than in the paracetamol group (P < 0.05). Conclusion: It can be concluded that Capparis ovata has a protective effect on the liver, both histopathologically and biochemically, against paracetamol-induced liver injury.




Antioxidant, Capparis ovata, hepatotoxicity, paracetamol

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