
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences


To identify risk factors associated with cigarette smoking during pregnancy and to evaluate the effect of smoking on anthropometric measurements. Materials and methods: This study was carried out prospectively in selected women who gave birth to a healthy, term infant at Şişli Etfal Education and Research Hospital from January 2009 to January 2010. Smoking status during pregnancy was categorized into 3 groups: nonsmoker; smoker; passive smoker. Regression analysis was performed to compare risk factors with cigarette smoking. Results: A total of 1175 mothers were enrolled. Active and passive smoking rates were 14.9% and 32.3%, respectively. In univariate analysis, maternal active and passive smoking were associated with maternal age, parental education level, first pregnancy, ethnic origin, and partner's smoking status. Among anthropometric measurements, the only significant difference was related to birth weight. The mean difference between babies born to mothers who smoked and those who did not was 111 g (P = 0.01). The difference between babies born to mothers who did not smoke and who were passive smokers was 96 g (P = 0.04). Conclusion: This study reveals that the cigarette smoking rate among mothers who gave birth in our hospital has gradually decreased and the most obvious effect of maternal smoking was on birth weight.




Pregnancy, smoking, newborn, anthropometric measurements

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