
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences




To retrospectively evaluate patients that were diagnosed with H1N1 and recovered from the disease in the initial period of an influenza A(H1N1)v epidemic in the province of Diyarbakir. It is estimated that 34-67 million individuals around the world have been infected by influenza A(H1N1)v, that 154,000-303,000 individuals have been hospitalized, and that 7000-13,000 individuals have lost their lives. Materials and methods: We were able to include 250 of 362 cases (69.0%) of confirmed influenza A(H1N1)v, from which the patients recovered, from the samples received between 19 October and 3 December 2009 after a pandemic alarm was given in the province of Diyarbakır. Patients with laboratory-confirmed cases were reached by telephone 15 days after the onset of influenza symptoms. Results: In terms of demographics, 44.8% of patients were between the ages of 0-14, 51.6% were male, and 44.0% were students. In 77.6% of the cases, fever was observed, while 53.2% had coughs and 18.4% had vomiting problems. It was determined that patients older than 45 years old, pregnant women, and individuals with chronic diseases were hospitalized more frequently than the young, nonpregnant women, and individuals without a chronic disease. The secondary attack rate within the clinic was 24.6%. Conclusion: Children and individuals with chronic diseases are important risk groups. It is believed that precautions such as hand-washing, limiting visits, and ensuring proper ventilation within houses will reduce in-house infectivity and the secondary attack rate.


Influenza (H1N1)v, retrospective study, Diyarbakır

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