
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences


The goal of this study was to evaluate the potential role of some nutraceuticals, coenzyme Q_{10}, vitamin B complex, and lecithin against aluminum-induced neurodegeneration characteristic of Alzheimer's disease. Materials and methods: Ninety-six male and female Sprague Dawley rats were divided into 2 main groups, namely female and male. Each group was divided into 6 subgroups. Group 1 served as control group. Group 2 was administered AlCl_3 for 4 months. Groups 3, 4, 5, and 6 were administered with AlCl_3 for 4 months then treated with Coenzyme Q_{10}, vitamin B complex, lecithin, or all in combination for 3 months, respectively. Brain acetylcholinesterase (AChE), Na^+/K^+-ATPase activities, and vitamin B_{12}, folate, homocysteine (Hcy), lipid peroxidation, glutathione, and plasma nitric oxide (NO) levels were determined. Moreover, histopathological examination of brain tissue was evaluated. Results: Al intoxication caused a significant increase in brain AChE activity, Hcy, lipid peroxidation, and plasma NO levels, while it produced significant decrease in brain Na^+/K^+-ATPase activity, glutathione, vitamin B_{12}, and folate levels. Moreover, histopathological investigation of the brain of Al intoxicated rats showed marked neurodegeneration and deposition of neurofibrillary tangles. Treatment with the selected nutraceuticals revealed an improvement in the neurological damage induced by AlCl_3 as indicated by improvement in most of the biochemical markers and histopathological features. Conclusion: The selected nutraceuticals (Coenzyme Q_{10}, vitamin B complex, lecithin, and their combination) may play a beneficial role in delaying the progression of neurodegenerative disorders. It is noteworthy that the combined therapy revealed more pronounced effect compared to singular treatments with either one of them.




Alzheimer's disease, aluminum, rats, Co Q_{10}, vitamin B, lecithin

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