
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences




Aims: Detection of risk groups and infection sources and awareness of the routes of transmission of infections are important for prevention of hospital infections. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the knowledge level and the behavior models of hospital cleaning staff about nosocomial infections. Materials and Methods: A 21-item questionnaire about nosocomial infections was administered to the hospital cleaning staff. Results: Out of 290 hospital cleaning staff, 240 (82.7%, 122 male, 118 female, aged 36.2±8.7) were included in the study. When evaluated according to their educational status, 55.4% had graduated from primary school. Fifty-four percent of the staff had been working in the hospital for more than three years. Mean knowledge level was 18.15±3.97 (maximum 24). Their knowledge level was not associated with gender, educational status, duration of employment or receipt of formal education about hospital-acquired infections before starting their jobs (P > 0.05); however, mean knowledge level of the staff working in the clinics was found higher than that of the staff working in administrative sections (P < 0.05). Conclusions: Education of the hospital staff and improvement of their knowledge may be a beneficial strategy for prevention of nosocomial infections.


Hospital cleaning staff, nosocomial infection, knowledge level, questionnaire

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