Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences
The production and detection of a mannoprotein adhesin (MPA) of the hyphal-form cells of C. albicans on plastic petri dishes was investigated. Using Concanavalin A-coated latex microspheres, the MPA was detected on the plastic surface on which C. albicans produced germ tubes. The adhesin was extracted using dithiothreitol and iodoacetamide. It did not inhibit the adhesion of the yeast-form C. albicans to buccal epithelial cells (BEC). This suggested that the MPA of the hyphal-form cells on the plastic was different from that on the yeast cells responsible for attachment to the BECs.
Candida albicans, adhesin, germ tube, plastic petri dish, buccal epithelial cells.
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VARDAR-ÜNLÜ, Gülhan (1998) "Mannoprotein Adhesin of Candida albicansGerm Tubes," Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences: Vol. 28: No. 5, Article 2. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/medical/vol28/iss5/2