Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences
Background: Latex has been documented as causing immediate hypersensitivity reactions ranging from contact urticaria to severe anaphylaxis. The prevalence of latex allergy appears to be higher in certain risk groups due to increased exposure or to an increased intrinsic predilection for atopy. The purpose of the present study was both to assess latex sensitivity in a large group of allergic patients and in hospital emyloyees and to evaluate the relationship between latex sensitivity and skin prick test (SPT) responses to fruits as well as inhalant allergens. Methods: This study was designed prospectively in a randomized manner. SPTs were performed and specific IgE was assayed using ImmunoCAP System. Results: Of the 102 allergic patients tested, 22 subjects (21.56%) and of the 205 hospital employees, 11 subjects (5.36%) werefound to have latex sensitivity with SPT and/or SpIgE. Three subjects (50%) in the latex +SPT hospital employees tested positive to aeroallergen(s) compared with 14 (14.89%) in the skin test negative group. In latex +SPT patients, all the subjects had positive tests to pollens and none showed any reaction to mite allergens and/or animal danders. Conclusions: Considerable cross-reactivity between latex, aeroallergens and certain fruit allergens can be assumed as four subjects with latex sensitivity had positive SPT responses to banana, three to walnut, and two to kiwi extract, and most of them had positive tests mainly to grass mix extract.
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KALPAKLIOĞLU, Ayşe Füsun; GÜRBÜZ, Lütfü; and MISIRLIGİL, Zeynep (1998) "Determination of the Prevalence of LatexSensitivity By in Vivo and in VitroMethods Among Hospital Employees andAllergic Patients," Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences: Vol. 28: No. 4, Article 20. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/medical/vol28/iss4/20