Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences
The purpose of this study is to examine the morphological effect which appears in acini and ductus of palatine glands in patients wearing total prostheses. Acini had considerably wide lumens due to de-generation and desquamation in secretory epithelial cells in those who wear prostheses during varying periods. It was observed that, in regions adjacent to the apical membrane in most of the epithelial cells of acini and excretory canals, large vacuoles were formed, whereas in some others, cytoplasm was disarranged due to membrane destruction. Cytoplasmic structures which were encountered in these cells underwent to degeneration and desquamation as well as secretory granules in the lumen. Furthermore, the osmiophilia of mucous secretory granules is increased and their structures impaired. While adiposity was observed in the epithelial cells of some acini, some others were detected to be transformed into adipose tissue completely and not only did adiposity increase but also the secretion in the lumen was decreased as the wearing period of prosthesis was prolonged. Increased mast and plasma cells from the focal Iymphocytic reaction surrounding the acini was noted. There was thrombus formation in vascular lumens and hyaline thickenings around small capillaries. It was concluded that wearing total prostheses led to considerable alterations in the acini and ductus of palatine glands depending on the duration of wearing.
Palatine glands, total prostheses, ultrastructure.
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FIRAT, Deniz; KUNTSAL, Leyla; ÖZYUVACI, Hakan; DOĞAN, Özen; ILICALI, Aygen; YALTIRIK, Mehmet; and AYTEKİN, Yener (1998) "The Effects of Wearing of Total Prostheses onPalatine Glands: A Morphological Study," Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences: Vol. 28: No. 2, Article 17. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/medical/vol28/iss2/17