Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences
It is accepted that administration of hyperosmolar solutions (glucose 30%) prevent stress-induced ulcers in the rats; but their mechanisms of action are not elucidated. In this study, we have investigated whether glucose is absorbed or not through the gastric wall. C14 labelled glucose solution of 30% was given to groups A (n=6), and B (n=8) and physiologic serum to group C(n=7). Restriction of movement with cold application was performed in group B and C. Ulcer indexes were 0.56±0.12 in group A, 0.83±0.27 in group B and 1.63±0.43 in group C. Net absorption rates were 12.2±4.8 %, 23.01±8.3 % and 53.1±4.65 % in groups A, B, and C, respectively. However, radioactivity levels of the C14-labelled glucose in the gastric wall 13.27±0.02 %, 21.32±0.016 %, and 8.03±0.005 % in groups A, B, and C, respectively. Differences between groups were found to be statistically significant in ulcer index, absorption rate, and amount of radioactivity in the stomach. These results show that glucose is absorbed through the gastric wall and that has a protective effect on stress-induced ulcers in rats.
Hyperosmolar Glucose, Stomach, Stress Ulcers.
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YANDI, Mustafa; AĞAOĞLU, Nazim; SEL, Tevhide; and MANSUR, Nihat (1998) "How Hyperosmolar Solutions (Glucose 30%) MayPrevent Stress Induced Ulcers in Rats," Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences: Vol. 28: No. 1, Article 5. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/medical/vol28/iss1/5