Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences
Effects of vitamin E on gastric ulcers gastric mucosal barrier were in-vestigated in cold + restraint stress (CRS) induced rats. In this study 21 males two month old Swiss Albino Rats were used. Stress treated rats significantly decreased mucus and phospholipid content of gastric mucosa (p
Vitamin E, Stress, Gastric mucosal barrier.
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GÜZEL, Cihat; KURT, Doğan; SERMET, Abdurrahman; KANAY, Zeki; DENLİ, Orhan; and CANORUÇ, Fikri (1998) "The Effects of Vitamin E on Gastric Ulcers andGastric Mucosal Barrier in Stress Induced Rats," Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences: Vol. 28: No. 1, Article 4. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/medical/vol28/iss1/4