
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences

Clinical, Biochemical and Genetic (SCE Frequency) Studies of Pesticide Sprayers


This paper presents the results of tests for sister chromatid exchange frequencies (SCEs) and serum pseudocholinesterase activity performed on a group of sprayers (10) chronically exposed to organophosphorus (0P) compounds and pyrethrin. The study group and control subjects were examined with routine chech-up procedures including clinical, haematological and biochemical tests. A significant increase in SCE frequencies of three of the exposed workers who lacked protective equipment (mean±1SD 8.9±2.6, 9.8±3.8, 11.1±5.6) was evident when compared with the results of the control group (mean±1SD 5.8±0.6). No positive linear relationship between the frequency of SCE and the duration of exposure was detectable. The serum pseudocholinesterase, SGPT, total protein, and hematocrit levels of the pesticides exposed subjects did not show any significant difference from the normal values. Based on our results, we concluded that SCE frequencies may increase in spite of normal pseudocholinesterase levels in 0P sprayers.




SCEs, pesticides, organophosphate, sprayer, pseudocholinesterase

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