
Turkish Journal of Mathematics

Author ORCID Identifier

UDAY DE: 0000-0002-8990-4609

AYDIN GEZER: 0000-0001-7505-0385


In this article, generalized Robertson Walker spacetimes are investigated in light of perfect fluid spacetimes. First, we establish that a perfect fluid spacetime with non-vanishing vorticity whose associated scalars are constant along the velocity vector field becomes a generalized Robertson Walker spacetime. Among others, it is also shown that a Ricci parallel perfect fluid spacetime is either a generalized Robertson Walker spacetime or a static spacetime. Finally, we acquire that in a conformally semi-symmetric generalized Robertson Walker spacetime of dimension $4$, the scalar curvature vanishes and the spacetime is locally isometric to the Minkowski spacetime, provided the electric part of the Weyl tensor vanishes. Moreover, it is established that the last result also holds in a conformally recurrent generalized Robertson Walker spacetime.




GRW spacetimes, conformally semi-symmetry, perfect fluid spacetimes

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