
Turkish Journal of Mathematics

Author ORCID Identifier

FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV: 0000-0002-9711-0796

UĞUR DEĞER: 0000-0002-1741-1178


In this paper, we study Bernstein-Nikol’skii-Markov type inequalities for arbitrary algebraic polynomials withrespect to a weighted Lebesgue space, where the weight functions have some singularities on a given contour. We considercurves which can contain a finite number of exterior and interior corners with power law tangency of the boundary arcs atthose points where the weight functions have both zeros and poles of finite order. The estimates are given for the growthof the module of derivatives for algebraic polynomials on the closure of a region bounded by a given curve, dependingon the behavior of weight functions, on the property of curve, and on the degree of contact of the boundary arcs, whichform zero angles on the boundary.




Algebraic polynomials, conformal mapping, quasicircle

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