Turkish Journal of Mathematics
In this paper, we deal with a singular super-critical Trudinger-Moser inequality on a unit ball of Rn , n ≥ 3. For any p > 1, we set λp(B) = inf u∈W1,n 0 (B),u̸≡0 ∫ B |∇u|ndx ( ∫ B |u|pdx)n/p as an eigenvalue related to the n-Laplacian. Let S be a set of radially symmetric functions. Precisely, if β ≥ 0 and α < (1 + p nβ)n−1+n/pλp(B) , then there exists a positive constant ϵ0 such that when λ ≤ 1 + ϵ0 , sup u∈W1,n 0 (B)∩S, ∫ B |∇u|ndx−α( ∫ B |u|p|x|pβdx) np ≤1 ∫ B |x|pβ ( eαn(1+ p n β)|u| n n−1 − λ Σm k=0 |αn(1 + p nβ)u n n−1 |k k! ) dx is attained, where αn = nω1/(n−1) n−1 , ωn−1 is the surface area of the unit ball in Rn . The proof is based on the method of blow-up analysis. The case λ = 0 was studied by Yang-Zhu in [38]. de Figueiredo [11] considered the case p = 2, β ≥ 0, and α = 0 in two dimension. The case λ = 0, p = n,−1 < β < 0, and α = 0 was considered by Adimurthi-Sandeep [1]. Our results extend those of the above cases.
Trudinger-Moser inequality, extremal functions, blow-up analysis
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Recommended Citation
Zhao, Juan
"Extremal functions for a singular super-critical Trudinger-Moser inequality,"
Turkish Journal of Mathematics: Vol. 48:
1, Article 7.
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