Turkish Journal of Mathematics
Let $G$ be a finite group. Moghaddamfar et al. defined prime graph $\Gamma(G)$ of group $G$ as follows. The vertices of $\Gamma(G)$ are the primes dividing the order of $G$ and two distinct vertices $p,q$ are joined by an edge, denoted by $p\sim q$, if there is an element in $G$ of order $pq$. Assume $ G =p_{1}^{\alpha_{1}}\cdots p_{k}^{\alpha_{k}}$ with $P_{1}$ <$\cdots$&\lt;$p_{k}$ and nature numbers $\alpha_{i}$ with $i=1,2,\cdots,k$. For $p\in\pi(G)$, let the degree of $p$ be $\deg(p)= \{q\in\pi(G)\mid q\sim p\} $, and $D(G)=(\deg(p_{1}), \deg(p_{2}), \cdots, \deg(p_{k}))$. Denote by $\pi(G)$ the set of prime divisor of $ G $. Let $GK(G)$ be the graph with vertex set $\pi(G)$ such that two primes $p$ and $q$ in $\pi(G)$ are joined by an edge if $G$ has an element of order $p\cdot q$. We set $s(G)$ to denote the number of connected components of the prime graph $GK(G)$. Some authors proved some groups are $OD$-characterizable with $s(G)\geq2$. Then for $s(G)=1$, what is the influence of $OD$ on the structure of groups? We knew that the alternating groups $A_{p+3}$, where $7\neq p\in\pi(100!)$, $A_{130}$ and $A_{140}$ are $OD$-characterizable. Therefore, we naturally ask the following question: if $s(G)=1$, then is there a group $OD$-characterizable? In this note, we give a characterization of $A_{p+3}$ except $A_{10}$ with $s(A_{p+3})=1$, by $OD$, which gives a positive answer to Moghaddamfar and Rahbariyan's conjecture.
Order component, element order, alternating group, degree pattern, prime graph, Simple group
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"OD-characterization of some alternating groups,"
Turkish Journal of Mathematics: Vol. 39:
3, Article 8.
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