Turkish Journal of Mathematics
In this paper, we first study some characterizations of left min-abel ring, strongly left min-abel ring and left MC2 ring. Next, we discuss and generalize some well known results for a ring whose simple singular left modules are nil- injective. Finally, as a byproduct of these results we are able to show that if R is a left GMC2 left Goldie ring whose every simple singular left R - module is YJ- injective, then R is a finite product of simple left Goldie ring.
Left minimal elements, Left min-abel rings, Strongly left min-abel rings, Left MC2 rings, Simple singular modules, Left nil- injective modules
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WEI, JUNCHAO (2008) "Certain Rings Whose Simple Singular Modules Are nil-injective," Turkish Journal of Mathematics: Vol. 32: No. 4, Article 3. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/math/vol32/iss4/3